he Jeep models of the newer generation called Grand Cherokee also require a pin code for keys replacement or duplication. What is more, they offer three types of keys, including fob keys, regular ignition fob keys, and smart keys. These types of keys may or may not have an auto start button. The prices on the locksmith services for each type of key differ greatly. That is why we need to know your car VIN number to specify the exact price. 

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The factors that may affect Jeep car keys replacement cost

If your Jeep vehicle had been released between 1999 and 2007 years, it's most likely equipped with skim and skreem modules. These modules are used for theft security purposes and require a special pin code to get Jeep keys cut and programmed. You can ask your dealer to provide you with this code. However, if there is no option to do that, we're ready to tackle this task by ourselves for an additional cost.
Get your Buick keys made without spending a fortune

Why choose SherlockLock for Jeep keys cutting and programming?

The locksmith services market is overcrowded these days. Numerous companies pop up here and there. However, only a few of them can offer an excellent quality-price ratio. Fortunately, SherlockLock is one of them. We do not only offer reasonable rates on our locksmith services but also conduct them using state-of-the-art equipment. Our pros can make keys to any Jeep model regardless of a problem you come to us with. Whether you have lost all the keys or somebody has broken open your vehicle, we are here to save you the trouble. Call us at your convenience, and we will do our best to help you out. 

(617) 272-7007
Mon - Sun: 9 am - 8 pm
Boston, MA
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