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Kia Certified Car Key Locksmith Services

Kia Certified Car Key Locksmith Services

Upfront pricing
24/7 Assistance
Mobile Service
High End Vehicles
12 Month Warranty
Boston, MA
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Everything you need for your Kia car key in Boston, MA area

Kia is progressive in every aspect, especially when it comes to key programming. Nowadays, most of the brandโ€™s vehicles feature push-button ignition systems that can be started with special smart keys. Luckily, SherlockLock Locksmith is capable of handling those. We are one of the few Kia key locksmiths in Boston out there that can program smart keys for your car at reasonable prices.

Whether you have lost all keys to your Kia or simply need a duplicate one, please get ahold of us. Weโ€™ll be on our way within minutes, day or night.

Can I get a flip Kia key made?

Of course! SherlockLock Locksmith has the largest selection of flip keys in Boston. We can cut the blade piece of your flip key and program all buttons. It is always a quick and easy process!

What if I have an older type key fob?

That is not a problem. If you have a regular key with a separate key fob and have lost it, we can come to you and program it.

Do you cut high-security Kia keys?

Absolutely! We can cut any key, be it a regular key or the one that requires a laser cut.

Can I come to your location?

Yes, you can come to our location at 110 K St. Boston Please give us a heads up beforehand and bring your Kia with you.

Sherlock Locksmith vs. Dealer

What sets our Kia key services apart from those of the dealer is that we offer the best prices and do the job with your convenience in mind. We can come to you to make a key on the very day you call us, helping you save a fortune. Our services are priced 50% less than what the dealer will charge you.

Kia key replacement cost

The exact price of our service depends on what type of key you need. To get an accurate quote, have your Kiaโ€™s VIN ready and call us so that we can match your desired remote properly.

What if I locked my keys inside my Kia?

We provide lockout service in the Boston area 24/7. We will show up faster than any other Kia key locksmith โ€“ you have our word!
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